Friday, 1 May 2015

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

The Final Products.

The Final Products.

This is the final design for my front page, contents page and contents page. As discussed on my pitch I decided to use a black and white colour scheme, not discussed, I chose to use orange because I decided  that it would be plain and overpowering to have two pages of of simply black and white; on that note therefore as you can see the wolfs eyes and mouth have been edited so they are the original colour from the original photography. I chose the eyes and the mouth of the wolf to be the exception from the colour scheme because it shows the wolf to be wild and thats the image I want my magazine to show. My model lighting a cigarette  in the shot, which may be quite controversial considering the recent changes in the law coming down harsher on smokers but as said in my pitch, I want my magazine to be for an older audience because of such controversial material. Along with the composition I chose, it looks like the wolf is being released from him which adds to the uncontrollable state I want my magazine to have. Similarly I chose the lions head to be the exception to the black and white filter on the main image in my double page spread. 


Thursday, 5 March 2015

Darling Pitch Part 2

Darling Pitch Part 2

This is my original pitch, I made using a powerpoint presentation scheme called Powtoon. I hope you enjoy it.


Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Darling Process.

Darling Process. 
Step 1. I removed all colour from the central image because I decided on a black and white theme for the front cover, partly inspired from a similar themed issue of Wire Magazine, which has been a very important muse to my work.  I also decided on this because I my audience would appreciate the simplicity of the colour scheme which is also quite unconventional for the typical music magazine which is why is it is appealing although. 

Step 2. I concluded that removing all the colour from the cover would leave it somewhat disinteresting and for a magazine to be successful it needs to to be attractive to its required audience. On that note I cut  the eyes and mouth from the wolf in the background and made a replica layer of the original image on placed that over the B/W main image. I chose those features because the eyes and mouth are what assist the wolf when hunting which makes it strong and feared. I wanted the same dangerous and strong portrayal of my model and DARLING because we fail to follow conventions.

Step 3. Adding masthead and text. The masthead naturally had to follow the colour scheme of the cover therefore choosing white was the logical choice. Wrote in capitals to express its importance over any other text on the age, illustrating how popular DARLING is to be through its size. As seen I changed the opacity of the masthead, I decreased it very slightly by only 10% because the intention was that it would not over power the page but still share a great presence over it. Sell lines were wrote individually by word with a single space between letters; I chose to do this to stand out from the conventional format for text which is appealing to my target audience because of the quirky nature.

Step 4. The last step is adding the cover line and any extra little details, like dates and barcodes. I chose a block capital text for my cover line to fit the house style of my magazine and white to fit the colour scheme. I changed the transparency so that my masthead was the most visible attraction of the magazine cover because it is the most important factor.
