Wednesday 29 April 2015

The Final Products.

The Final Products.

This is the final design for my front page, contents page and contents page. As discussed on my pitch I decided to use a black and white colour scheme, not discussed, I chose to use orange because I decided  that it would be plain and overpowering to have two pages of of simply black and white; on that note therefore as you can see the wolfs eyes and mouth have been edited so they are the original colour from the original photography. I chose the eyes and the mouth of the wolf to be the exception from the colour scheme because it shows the wolf to be wild and thats the image I want my magazine to show. My model lighting a cigarette  in the shot, which may be quite controversial considering the recent changes in the law coming down harsher on smokers but as said in my pitch, I want my magazine to be for an older audience because of such controversial material. Along with the composition I chose, it looks like the wolf is being released from him which adds to the uncontrollable state I want my magazine to have. Similarly I chose the lions head to be the exception to the black and white filter on the main image in my double page spread. 
