Wednesday, 17 September 2014

My Favourite Pieces Of Media

My Favourite Pieces Of Media

I was asked to name my favourite pieces of media today and I wasnt quite sure how to answer. How do you define a piece of media? Well, looking back on the question its simple. Media helps shape how we live on a day to day basis, whether it is social networking, e.g Facebook and Twitter, the news, e.g Newspapers/Television/Magazines, video games, films and television shows.

At #3 is the Metro Newspaper. A free tabloid newspaper which is distributed from Monday to Friday given by hand in the street but I usually find mine on the bus, the train or the tube. I love reading articles when I'm bored or just when I'm having a bad day it really cheers me up. I think the Metro newspaper is a brilliant concept because of its accessibility and the fact that it is free which meaning everyone can be up to date with the news. 

At #2 is a group of people who create sketches on a YouTube channel, called CollegeHumor. They make parodies, sketches and other crazy, off-the-wall, comedy, creations! I have been watching their videos for about two years and they have had me in stitches laughing. I don't have a favourite but one I have watched recently has really caught my eye, called "If Google Was A Guy" it's a 3 part sketch about Google if he was a human man. How he would react to some of the ridiculous things people search. I know that I have searched some odd things in my time as Google has always been my go to if I can't answer question. So it's funny to see how "Google" reacts to us. 

Finally we have got to #1 and my favourite piece of media has to be the wonderful and vast social media! To be specific Facebook. I love how simple it is to get in contact with people who in everyday life I would not be able to communicate with. I live in London and which is widely populated with people of all sorts of ethnicities which is incredible because of the cultural traditions they bring with them that we are able to embrace but Facebook allows us to get in contact with people all other the world and embrace their culture on a much larger scale. We are able to share our likes and dislikes and have discussions about how we live. 


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